Treatment Prices - Reflexology Chester
Treatment prices are based on sessions from 30 to 60 minutes, including a consultation, which takes slightly longer on the first appointment, and includes discussing your medical history and planning your treatment plan. I may recommend a treatment plan which could include a number of regular treatments, but this will be subject to your own needs.
Do you have private health insurance? If so, you may be able to claim back the cost of your treatments from them. Please ask at your appointment and I will be happy to email you a receipt for your treatment.
Initial consultation (60 mins) – £40.00
Subsequent treatments (45 mins) – £40.00
Initial consultation (60 mins) – £40.00
Subsequent treatments (45 mins) – £40.00
Add on to existing treatment (15 mins) – £18.00
Facial Cupping Therapy (30 mins) – £40.00
Initial consultation (75 mins) – £65/00
Subsequent treatments (60 mins) – £65.00
Mini Course – 6 regular treatments -£350.00
Mini Course – 12 regular treatments -£700.00
Initial consultation (75 mins) – £58.00
Subsequent treatments (60 mins) – £58.00
Indian Head massage – (30 min) – £32.00